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Projeto Descrição

JGame is a 2D game engine that makes multi-platform development easier. It runs on the Java JRE 1.3+ platform with optional OpenGL (JOGL) enhancements, the J2ME (MIDP2.0/CLDC1.1) mobile platform, and the Android (2.1+) platform. JGame features sprites with automatic animation and collision detection, a tile-based background with easy sprite-tile interaction facilities, automatic scaling, sound, game state, persistent storage, and game options. The engine provides an enhanced graphics API with a fallback to simpler and more efficient graphics on J2ME and plain JRE. A patched version of the JBox2D physics engine that runs on all platforms is included.

System Requirements

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2008-03-11 10:34 Back to release list

O motor OpenGL foi melhorada: agora não funciona sem poder de duas extensões, uma série de bugs foram corrigidos, e rolagem de paralaxe multicamadas e ver girar / zoom foram adicionados. Um jogo OpenGL novo, Dingbat Attack, foi adicionado.
Tags: Minor feature enhancements
The OpenGL engine has been improved: it now works without non-power of two extensions, a number of bugs were fixed, and multilayer parallax scrolling and view rotate/zoom were added. A new OpenGL game, Dingbat Attack, was added.

Project Resources