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Projeto Descrição

ssterm is a console-based simple serial port terminal. It features painless serial port configuration, has no dependencies outside of a standard Python 2 installation, is contained in a single file, and provides a variety of useful input/output features, including plain ASCII representation, split hexadecimal/ASCII representation, pure hexadecimal representation, color coding bytes and characters, raw input/output with control character forwarding, and remapping of transmitted and received newlines.

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2012-04-04 21:21

O caractere de Escape foi alterado de Ctrl-[para o mais exclusivo Ctrl-], que não sirva como um código de escape para muitos outras teclas especiais e causar ssterm parar neles como Ctrl-[fez. Split modo de representação ASCII/hexadecimal formatação foi modificada para adequar-se à saída de divisão canônica "hexdump - C".
Tags: bugfix
The Escape character has been changed from Ctrl-[ to the more unique Ctrl-], which does not serve as the escape code for many other special keys and cause ssterm to quit on them like Ctrl-[ did. Split hexadecimal/ASCII representation mode formatting has been modified to conform to “hexdump -C” canonical split output.

2012-03-29 02:10

Foi adicionado suporte para o modo de representação ASCII/hexadecimal dividido. O terminal de controle é agora mais limpa reset ao sair do programa. Um menor sem bloqueio ler o bug foi corrigido.
Tags: feature improvements, minor bugfix
Support has been added for split hexadecimal/ASCII representation mode. The controlling terminal is now more cleanly reset on program exit. A minor non-blocking read bug has been fixed.

2012-03-20 06:41

Foi adicionado suporte para caracteres de codificação de cores / bytes. ssterm foi reescrito em Python 2 para facilitar a futura extensibilidade e manutenção. A licença foi atualizada desde a GPLv2 para a GPLv3.
Tags: major reliability improvements, feature improvements, license change
Support was added for color coding characters / bytes. ssterm was rewritten in Python 2 for ease of future extensibility and maintenance. The license was upgraded from the GPLv2 to the GPLv3.

2011-02-05 22:12

Mutexes foram adicionados para um manuseamento seguro das variáveis compartilhadas entre threads.
Tags: minor feature improvements
Mutexes were added for safer handling of shared variables across threads.

2009-11-23 13:39

A porta serial não estava a ser aberta em modo não-bloqueio, impedindo ssterm de trabalhar em algumas situações. Isso foi corrigido.
Tags: Major bugfixes
The serial port was not being opened in non-blocking mode, preventing ssterm from working in some situations. This has been fixed.

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