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Projeto Descrição

SEL is a C++ library that extends and wraps the
SDL library. It tries to be as much backwards
compatible with SDL as possible, while introducing
native C++ features such as namespaces, classes,
and exceptions.

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2002-01-27 15:31

SEL agora funciona com as versões do gcc com idade superior a 3,0.
Tags: Minor bugfixes
SEL now works with versions of gcc older than 3.0.

2002-01-26 11:13

A biblioteca foi dividido em quatro bibliotecas distintas. Uma classe para manipulação de matrizes microtile (retângulos sujo, etc) foi adicionado. Desenvolvimento de uma nova demo já começou. Correções de bugs e pequenas melhorias foram adicionadas.
Tags: Major feature enhancements
The library has been split into four separate libraries. A class for the manipulation microtile arrays (dirty rectangles, etc.) was added. Development of a new demo has commenced. Bugfixes and minor improvements were added.

2001-10-28 01:05

A SEL:: class Pintor foi adicionado. Algumas correções de bugs e pequenas melhorias foram feitas.
Tags: Minor feature enhancements
The SEL::Painter class was added. Some bugfixes and minor improvements were made.

2001-09-17 00:01

RWops ter sido reposta. Um sistema de recursos foi classe Stream implemented.A texto foi adicionado. A classe Font tem sido implementado. Há correções e limpeza de código.
Tags: Major feature enhancements
RWops have been reimplemented. A resource system has been implemented.A text stream class has been added. A font class has been implemented. There are bugfixes and code cleanup.

Project Resources