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Projeto Descrição

Rbmake is a "book maker" for the Rocket eBook. It consists of a set of command line tools and some library routines which make it easy to assemble or disassemble .rb files, the book format native to the ReB.

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2001-01-30 15:13 Back to release list

Esta versão não usa o ImageMagick para melhorar a qualidade da B & W converstions imagem. Outra novidade é FONT-tracking tag e conversão em dois o Reb's tamanhos de letra disponíveis, um gancho para permitir a biblioteca de processamento de imagem personalizada, e outras características menores e correções.
This release no longer uses ImageMagick to improve the quality of B&W image converstions. Also new is FONT-tag tracking and conversion into the ReB's two available FONT sizes, a library hook to allow custom image processing, and other minor features and bugfixes.

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