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Projeto Descrição

The MP3 Streaming DownSampler for PHP is written with cable modem/DSL users with low upstream caps in mind. Using LAME, it dynamically downsamples a requested MP3 to a bitrate which can be streamed. It doesn't use temporary files, so you don't have to take the time to do any batching, and you just give it a directory with symlinks to your music in a place the Web server can reach. The interface is simplistic and fast, meant for immediate plug and play access.

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2005-03-07 20:32 Back to release list
2.6 prerel 4

Esta versão adiciona um novo recurso de pesquisa, ícones, bugfixes, limpezas layout grandes arquivos, mais opções de configuração de exibição, o apoio para a definição de temas, e on-the-fly geração tarball para diretórios. Observe que como este é um pré-lançamento, algumas funcionalidades que se destina a ser na versão final não estará presente, como controles para ativar ou desativar a geração tarball.
Tags: Prerelease, Major feature enhancements
This release adds a new search feature, icons, bugfixes, major file
layout cleanups, more display configuration options, support for
defining themes, and on-the-fly tarball generation for directories. Note
that as this is a prerelease, some functionality that is intended to be
in the final release will not be present, such as controls to enable or
disable the tarball generation.

Project Resources