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Projeto Descrição

LinNeighborhood is a GUI frontend for browsing M$ machines and mounting SMB shares using Samba (and Smbfs on 2.0 kernels).

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2002-07-09 18:03 Back to release list

O caminho de configuração global foi alterado de R $ (libdir) / linneighborhood para $ (datadir) / linneighborhood. O caminho de configuração local foi alterado de R $ (HOME) /. Linneighborhood para US $ (HOME) /. Linneighborhood. Um bug no memorizado monta foi corrigido. Suporte para um parâmetro adicional do usuário para as ferramentas de samba foi adicionado.
Tags: Minor feature enhancements
The global configuration path was changed from
$(libdir)/linneighborhood to
$(datadir)/LinNeighborhood. The local
configuration path was changed from
$(HOME)/.linneighborhood to
$(HOME)/.LinNeighborhood. A bug in memorized
mounts was fixed. Support for an additional user
parameter for the samba tools was added.

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