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Projeto Descrição

JAIMBot is a modular architecture for providing services through an AIM client. It contains a generic AIM library and a Bot which uses this library to provide such services as Offline Messaging, Lists, Weather, Headlines, Stock Quotes, TV Listings, and an AI chatterbot. You can try out this project with a live AIM bot called JavaAIMBot. Send it "help" as an instant message to see what it can to.

System Requirements

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2003-08-22 06:26 Back to release list

Um novo perfil de resposta "inimigos" de comando, um módulo de lembrete, uma nova capacidade de configurar o bot, uma nova capacidade de configurar o bot para mensagens de não-usuários, e mais conservadora taxa limitar o nível de alerta que leva em conta. Bugs foram corrigidos no Weather Module, Telnet Module, análise, e AIMReceptionist.
Tags: Minor feature enhancements
A new "enemies" command, a Reminder Module, a new ability to configure bot's profile, a new ability to configure bot's response to messages from non-users, and more conservative rate limiting which takes warning level into account. Bugs were fixed in Weather Module, Telnet Module, parsing, and AIMReceptionist.

Project Resources