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Projeto Descrição

GAdmin-ProFTPD is a GTK+ frontend for the ProFTPD
standalone server. It
gives admins access to virtual hosting and eight
layers of security,
including chrooted users and encrypted transfers
on both the data and/or
control channels.

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2013-01-10 12:44 Back to release list

Tipos de autenticação são agora selecionáveis com opções de combinação.

ModulePath encontra-se adicionado a falta.

Esta versão adiciona suporte ao MySQL através do MySQL de comunicação entre processos.

Instalação de banco de dados MySQL adiciona tabelas de usuário, grupo e cota.

Usuários do MySQL remotos e locais podem ser adicionados, alterados e excluídos.
Authentication types are now selectable with combo choices.

ModulePath is added if found to be missing.

This release adds MySQL support via MySQL interprocess communication.

MySQL database setup adds user, group, and quota tables.

Remote and local MySQL users can be added,
changed, and deleted.

Project Resources